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ethernet protocol中文是什么意思

用"ethernet protocol"造句"ethernet protocol"怎么读"ethernet protocol" in a sentence


  • 以太网协议


  • Gigabit ethernet protocol and its advantages
  • A simple realization of the transmitters with industrial ethernet protocol
  • Click " yes " to remove the dial - up connections created for the ppp over ethernet protocol "
    按yes ,移除pppoverethernetprotocol的连线。
  • Then , about software design , this paper elaborates on the realization of the ethernet protocol and the interface drive of the ethernet
  • This thesis begins with the introduction of some kernel protocols of tcp / ip stack and has realized the embedded termina with ethernet protocols
    本论文主要介绍tcp ip协议簇的相关核心协议及以ethernet协议为代表的802 . 3协议在嵌入式dsp终端的实现。
  • Chapter two provides ethernet protocols , issues on ethernet packets , especially on ethernet frame , ip and udp packets . also it provides the protocols of ts packets which are transmitted in catv network
  • On the other hand , it is difficult to connect fieldbus to office network which mostly built in ethernet protocol . industrial ethernet will be the main orientation of control system network and can easily realize amalgamation of devices network with office network
  • And xerox ' s palo alto research centre ( parc ) devised the personal computer ' s distinctive elements , including the mouse , the graphical user interface and the ethernet protocol for computer networking ( although it was criticised for failing to commercialise such leaps forward )
    施乐的帕洛阿尔托研究中心研制了个人电脑的独特部件,包括鼠标、图形用户界面和使计算机互联的以太网协议(尽管它因未能将这些飞跃商业化而遭批评) 。
  • But traditional fieldbus has been widly used in factory field and will act an important part for a long time , so it is necessary that to realize fieldbus connect to office network , make it has the capability of inter - connection and inter - operation , and keep it ’ s architecture unchanged . the paper discusses a method to slove the problem . that is making use of ethernet / ip protocol which is one of industrial ethernet protocols , to design an embedded fieldbus gateway . the gateway mainly consists of s3c2410 , a 32bit high performance microprocessor based on arm core , to realize interconnection devicenet network , controlnet to ethernet
    本文提出利用高性能、低功耗32位risc结构的arm处理器与armlinux嵌入式操作系统相结合,并利用ethernet / ip工业以太网协议构造嵌入式网关,实现设备的现场总线与企业信息网络无缝链接,并保证了devicenet和controlnet两种网络的互操作性,构建一个可跨地域共享、便于实现高层次集中管理、监控和决策的新型嵌入式实时在线监控网络。
用"ethernet protocol"造句  
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